Mrs. Cramer's 2nd Grade Class
Mrs. Cramer’s Classroom Rules
Be Caring
This rule is created to maintain a loving environment in the classroom to promote kindness. We will practice being caring by using encouraging words and being helpful to others.
Be Safe
This rule is created to maintain a safe environment in the classroom to promote safety. We will practice by keeping the room tidy and keeping our bodies and objects in our own space.
Be Respectful
This rule is created to maintain respect for our classmates, teachers, other school personnel, our classroom supplies, and the school building. We will practice being respectful to others and our surroundings.
Be Responsible
This rule is created to maintain a responsible character. We will practice what being responsible looks like such as: raising your hand, not speaking when others are speaking, keeping our bodies and objects to ourselves, do what is right even when no one is watching, etc.
Do your best
This rule is to remind students to do their best on classroom, behavior, and any other aspect that requires students to try to be the best they can be.
Rules will be displayed beside the board in the front of the classroom. As a class, we will discuss, role-play, and practice these rules to maintain an active fun learning environment. The rules will be posted on the classroom website as well as be sent home on the newsletter to the parents.